What can I do for you?
Whatever you want me to do I will give it my 110%. I have many skills in Photoshop, Photography, Writing that I can directly apply to any option you choose.
As of right now I offer the following services:
- Styled Photos
- Sponsored Posts
- Reviews
- In Post Links and Advertising
- Social Media, Promotions
- Giveaways
- Graphic Design
- Side Bar Ads
- Custom Content
I was a former stress analyst at Boeing and a design engineer at Daimler Trucks North America. While at both of these companies I was recognized for providing informative opportunities, in addition to my normal workload to employees and the company.
At Boeing I was recognized by the Chief Engineer for the Defense Division for helping initiate "Lunch and Learns" for my building. I did these during my time and worked with central engineering to help inform employees about the various projects at Boeing .
At Daimler I was recognized for designing and producing posters coordinated from all of engineering to describe why design changes were needed for EPA 2010. These posters were sent to all the production plants and displayed for the engineering department to see.
At Daimler was also recognized and sought after to be the engineering representative to help with our annual United Way campaign. One of the ways we helped increase contributions was by having a change contest between departments. I was counting that money when I went into labor with my first child.
All these experiences show how I went above and beyond for the companies I worked for. I will definitely do the same for you.
What have I done since?
When my first child was born I decided to be a stay at home mom and raise my children. Since then I have organized a coop preschool every year for my children. I have also started this website and www.jennyscrayoncollection.com. I have produced content for many companies and I can produce content for you too.
My Portfolio
Here are some of the projects I have worked on in the past year for companies.
Bushes Hummus Made Easy -I showed my followers how to make various recipes of hummus with Bushes Hummus made Easy. My followers loved it.
Miracle Gro Groables-I showed my followers how to plant Groables.

Hobby Holster-I showed my followers on Instagram how to use a Hobby Holster for coloring.

DCWV-I helped promote and do a local giveaway. We had a great turnout, the person was figured out the clues and was there waiting for the prize.
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